Our Philosophy

We are aware there are many other airline interview preparation services out there from which you can choose. If you like what you see from them and decide to use their services, then thank you for looking at us and best of luck in your career!  We are a bit different, though. Let us explain.

Most pilots think they can do most things well. Every pilot brings a breadth and depth of experience that is not typical. Each of you has a UNIQUE story to tell but sometimes it's hard to admit that you need help telling 'it' in a way that someone else will 'get'. We 'get it' and can help you.

We do not believe in group sessions that treat you, well, like a group. With V1ROT8, you get individually-tailored, one-on-one sessions that prepare YOU for YOUR interview. Our interview prep counselor calls many current airline pilots her clients (and friends) and she will help YOU with the skills required to successfully pass YOUR interview. We will prepare YOU equally well to navigate the labyrinth of airline technical and line-oriented interviews.

Our philosophy is simple: 
  • We believe in YOU and want YOU to succeed. 
  • We believe in ourselves. In fact, we will stay with you until you do get hired, helping you to refine and master your interview skills. 
  • We believe in quality over quantity (i.e., we offer only a limited number of dates each year).
  • We believe in one-on-one sessions to help YOU highlight YOUR strengths, explain YOUR weaknesses (if any), and capture everything that makes YOU unique. 
  • We believe preparation helps YOU prepare YOURSELF. We promise to be ready; we ask no less from you.
Last Updated: 2/14/2012